Golf GPS Rangefinder Business
Based on Korea’s No.1 GPS technology recognized in the navigation market, leading the Golf GPS Rangefinder business.

Golf GPS Rangefinder

- Smart 3D Range Information - The world's first 3D GPS golf range finder.
- Amazing GPS - The most fastest GPS
- Real time green rotation based on the golfer's location.
- Perfect distance information including front, center and back of the green.
- Hazard/Bunker Strategy - It's easy to strategize once you know the range and height!
- Fast with just one touch! Continuous range-measuring with one touch and no hesitation.
- Extremely simple pin location movement with just one button.
- Contains over 40,000 worldwide golf courses database.
- Convenient to wear FineCaddie on your wrist.
- GPS-artisan FineDrive provides outdoor convenience.
Contact : winwin@finedigital.com